200+ Best Literary Dog Names (Cool And Catchy Ideas)
Are you a book lover looking for the perfect name for your new furry friend? Look no further! Literary dog names are a fantastic way to show off your love for reading while giving your pup a unique and meaningful name.
Whether you’re a fan of classic novels, modern bestsellers, or anything in between, there’s sure to be a literary-inspired name that fits your dog’s personality perfectly.
In this article, we’ll explore 200+ creative and fun dog names taken from famous books, beloved characters, and well-known authors.
So, grab your favorite book, curl up with your pup, and let’s explore the list of literary dog names!
Best Literary Dog Names
Atticus | Gatsby | Darcy |
Holden | Gandalf | Pip |
Frodo | Scout | Heathcliff |
Rhett | Sherlock | Watson |
Hermione | Poirot | Marlowe |
Ishmael | Ripley | Juliet |
Lancelot | Beatrice | Hamlet |
Desdemona | Hester | Rochester |
Matilda | Algernon | Bingley |
Gulliver | Tess | Byron |
Funny Literary Dog Names
- Bark Twain
- Pup Dickens
- Virginia Woof
- Salinger Sniffer
- Beowoof
- J.K. Growling
- Arthur Conan Doyle
- Mary Shelly
- Fernando Pessoa
- Wolfgang Amadeus
- Oscar Wilder
- Kafkaesque
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Emily Dickinson
- Poochini
- Sir Arthur Canine Doyle
- Tolstoy Toy
- Barkus Aurelius
- Chewbacca
- J.R.R. Tolkien
- Corgi Elliot
- Jane Pawsten
- Charles Lickens
- Franz Furranz
- Edgar Allan Paw
- Dostoyevsky
- George Bernard Paw
- Howling Bronte
- Virginia Woof
Unique Literary Dog Names
Quixote | Morpheus | Valjean |
Grendel | Puck | Mercutio |
Lothlorien | Caliban | Coriolanus |
Eowyn | Arwen | Beleg |
Caspian | Dracula | Hagrid |
Mowgli | Raskolnikov | Sauron |
Vronsky | Yossarian | Zaphod |
Garp | Natty Bumppo | Euripides |
Scheherazade | Tintin | Aslan |
Faust | Galadriel | Jadis |
Cool Literary Dog Names
- Tristram
- Merlin
- Nero
- Thorin
- Blanche
- Soma
- Lazarus
- Dante
- Sirius
- Hawthorne
- Lennox
- Marley
- Strider
- Griffin
- Falconer
- Nero
- Crusoe
- Holden
- Iago
- Oberon
- Prospero
- Sawyer
- Shardik
- Spencer
- Thoreau
- Twain
- Ulysses
- Voltaire
- Whitman
- Yeats
Cute Literary Dog Names
Bambi | Bilbo | Daisy |
Eloise | Fable | Gigi |
Honey | Ink | Jip |
Kipper | Lulu | Muffin |
Nana | Ollie | Pixie |
Quark | Roly | Snicket |
Toto | Ursa | Velvet |
Widget | Xena | Yogi |
Zuzu | Amber | Bean |
Coco | Dot | Elf |
Male Literary Dog Names
- Albus
- Balzac
- Caesar
- Dantes
- Edgar
- Faustus
- Gulliver
- Homer
- Irving
- Jekyll
- Kipling
- Lysander
- Milton
- Nero
- Orlando
- Poe
- Quixote
- Radcliffe
- Sweeney
- Tennyson
- Updike
- Victor
- Wordsworth
- Xavier
- Yeats
- Zorro
- Achilles
- Brutus
- Cicero
- Dante
Female Literary Dog Names
- Antigone
- Bronte
- Cressida
- Desdemona
- Eloise
- Fantine
- Guinevere
- Hecuba
- Isolde
- Juliet
- Katniss
- Lavinia
- Medea
- Nerissa
- Ophelia
- Penelope
- Queenie
- Rosalind
- Sappho
- Titania
- Undine
- Viola
- Winifred
- Xanthe
- Yvaine
- Zelda
- Aurora
- Beatrice
- Clarissa
- Daphne
Baby Literary Dog Names
- Alfie
- Bubbles
- Cupcake
- Dimples
- Elfie
- Fifi
- Giggles
- Honeybun
- Itty
- Jolly
- Kookie
- Lolly
- Mopsy
- Nugget
- Oreo
- Peewee
- Q-Tip
- Ruffles
- Sprout
- Tink
- Upsy
- Velvet
- Wiggles
- Yummy
- Zippy
- Boo
- Cuddles
- Doodle
- Fluffy
Color-Inspired Literary Dog Names
- Azure
- Blanco
- Charcoal
- Denim
- Emerald
- Fawn
- Goldie
- Hazel
- Indigo
- Jade
- Khaki
- Lavender
- Mauve
- Navy
- Ochre
- Pinky
- Quartz
- Ruby
- Silver
- Tawny
- Umber
- Violet
- Wheat
- Xanadu
- Yellow
- Zinnober
- Alabaster
- Bronze
- Citrine
- Dove
Food-Inspired Literary Dog Names
- Biscuit
- Cocoa
- Doughnut
- Espresso
- Fudge
- Ginger
- Honey
- Jambalaya
- Kiwi
- Latte
- Muffin
- Noodle
- Olive
- Pepper
- Quiche
- Raisin
- Sugar
- Toffee
- Udon
- Vanilla
- Waffle
- Xoco (short for chocolate)
- Yogurt
- Ziti
- Apple
- Basil
- Cinnamon
- Dumpling
- Eggroll
- Falafel
Nature-Inspired Literary Dog Names
- Dandelion
- Aspen
- Briar
- Cedar
- Dew
- Elm
- Fern
- Grove
- Heath
- Iris
- Juniper
- Kestrel
- Leaf
- Maple
- Nectar
- Oak
- Prairie
- Quill
- River
- Sage
- Thorn
- Ulmus (a type of tree)
- Vale
- Willow
- Xeroph (short for xerophyte, a dry kind of plant)
- Yarrow
- Zenith
- Acorn
- Blossom
- Clover
We hope you’ve selected your favorite name. We’ve explored over 200 Literary-inspired dog names that help you choose the ideal name.
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