250+ Best Orange Cat Names (Cute And Funny Ideas?)
Are you the proud owner of a charming orange furball and searching for the perfect name that suits its sunny personality? Look no further! In this post, we’ll explore 250+ orange cat names for your Ginger kitty.
Whether you have a tabby, a Persian, or a Siamese, finding a unique name is important to creating a special bond with your furry companion.
So, let’s discover the ideal moniker for your beloved orange cat?!
Best Orange Cat Names
Amber | Blaze | Butterscotch |
Cheeto | Copper | Ember |
Fuego | Ginger | Honey |
Mango | Marmalade | Marigold |
Peach | Pumpkin | Rusty |
Saffron | Sandy | Scarlet |
Simba | Sunny | Tangerine |
Tiger | Apricot | Carrot |
Cheddar | Cinnamon | Clementine |
Dorito | Goldie | Peaches |

Funny Orange Cat Names
- Cheez-It
- Dorito
- Fanta
- Nacho
- Oompa Loompa
- Purr-Simmon
- Sir Tang-a-lot
- Tigger Happy
- Butterball
- Cheeto Puff
- Fuzzy Navel
- Mimoso
- Orange Crush
- Pumpkin Spice
- Rusty Nail
- Tang
- Lava Lamp
- Solar Flare
- Fireball
- Goldfish
- Jack-o-Lantern
- Macaroni
- Orange Julius
- Paprika
- Sunspot
- Tabby-sco
- Tango
- Velveeta
- Whiskey
- Zesty
Unique Orange Cat Names
- Alani (Hawaiian for “orange tree”)
- Anaranjado (Spanish for “orange”)
- Calcite
- Carotene
- Daylily
- Flannán (Irish for “red-haired”)
- Gamboge
- Harimau (Malay for “tiger”)
- Helios
- Iroquois
- Jaffa
- Koi
- Lantana
- Mikan (Japanese for “tangerine”)
- Navel
- Neroli
- Osage
- Persimmon
- Rajah
- Sunkist
- Tamarillo
- Tarocco
- Ugli (type of fruit)
- Valencia
- Vermilion
- Vulpine
- Yuzu
- Zinnia
- Zorro
- Zucca
Cool Orange Cat Names
Blaze | Chilli | Ember |
Flame | Glow | Heatwave |
Ignite | Kindle | Lumen |
Neon | Phoenix | Pyro |
Redd | Sizzle | Smolder |
Solar | Spark | Torch |
Vulcan | Wildfire | Ash |
Blaze | Comet | Flicker |
Inferno | Kindle | Laser |
Scorch | Solar | Vortex |

Cute Orange Cat Names
- Apricot
- Biscuit
- Buttercup
- Caramel
- Carrot Top
- Dandelion
- Goldie
- Honeybear
- Jello
- Marmalade
- Nectar
- Papaya
- Peachy
- Peanut
- Pudding
- Pumpkin
- Snickers
- Squash
- Sweet Potato
- Taffy
- Toffee
- Waffles
- Whiskey
- Zucchini
- Acorn
- Butternut
- Chestnut
- Maple
- Nutmeg
Male Orange Cat Names
Albus | Archie | Boris |
Chester | Dexter | Edison |
Felix | Garfield | Hank |
Jasper | Leo | Milo |
Newton | Oliver | Oscar |
Percy | Quincy | Redford |
Rufus | Samson | Theodore |
Titus | Vincent | Winston |
Xavier | Yale | Yoda |
Zeus | Ziggy |

Female Orange Cat Names
- Amber
- Blossom
- Callie
- Daisy
- Ella
- Fifi
- Goldilocks
- Hazel
- Iris
- Jasmine
- Kiki
- Lily
- Mimi
- Nora
- Ollie
- Penny
- Poppy
- Rosie
- Ruby
- Sadie
- Tilly
- Uma
- Vivi
- Wanda
- Xena
- Yasmine
- Zelda
- Zoe
- Zara
Baby Orange Cat Names
- Alfie
- Babykins
- Cuddles
- Ducky
- Fuzzy
- Giggles
- Honeybun
- Itsy
- Jumper
- Kitten
- Little One
- Munchkin
- Nibbles
- Oopsy
- Pipsqueak
- Quacky
- Rascal
- Squeaky
- Tiny
- Upsy
- Velvet
- Whiskers
- Xoxo
- Yippee
- Zoomer
- Angel
- Bubbles
- Chip
- Dewdrop
- Elf
Food-Inspired Orange Cat Names
- Cheddar
- Cheesecake
- Dorito
- Fanta
- Gingersnap
- Honey
- Jaffa Cake
- Kumquat
- Marmalade
- Nacho
- Nutmeg
- Orange
- Paprika
- Peach
- Persimmon
- Pumpkin
- Quince
- Saffron
- Tangerine
- Tang
- Umami
- Velveeta
- Wonton
- Xacuti (a type of curry)
- Yam
- Zest
- Zucchini
- Apricot
- Cinnamon
- Miso
Nature-Inspired Orange Cat Names
- Autumn
- Canyon
- Desert
- Eclipse
- Forest
- Horizon
- Lava
- Maple
- Oak
- Prairie
- Quartz
- Ridge
- Sequoia
- Sierra
- Tawny
- Umber
- Valley
- Willow
- Xeric
- Yucca
- Zephyr
- Amber
- Clay
- Dune
- Ember
- Flame
- Grove
- Heath
- Island
Spice-Inspired Orange Cat Names
- Cinnamon
- Clove
- Ginger
- Mace
- Nutmeg
- Paprika
- Pepper
- Saffron
- Tamarind
- Turmeric
- Vanilla
- Cardamom
- Chilli
- Fennel
- Mustard
- Oregano
- Parsley
- Rosemary
- Sage
- Thyme
- Allspice
- Bayleaf
- Coriander
- Dill
- Fenugreek
- Horseradish
- Juniper
- Kaffir
- Licorice
- Marjoram
Floral-Inspired Orange Cat Names
- Azalea
- Begonia
- Carnation
- Dahlia
- Freesia
- Gerbera
- Hibiscus
- Iris
- Jasmine
- Lily
- Marigold
- Nasturtium
- Orchid
- Poppy
- Rose
- Sunflower
- Tulip
- Zinnia
- Amaryllis
- Buttercup
- Camellia
- Daffodil
- Elderflower
- Foxglove
- Gardenia
- Heather
- Impatiens
- Jonquil
- Lotus
- Mimosa
Adorable Orange Cat Names
- Angel
- Bambi
- Cupcake
- Doodle
- Elf
- Fluffy
- Gumdrop
- Honey
- Joy
- Kisses
- Lovebug
- Muffin
- Noodle
- Pookie
- QT
- Ruffles
- Snuggles
- Tootsie
- Upsy
- Velvet
- Whimsy
- Yummy
- Zippy
- Amore
- Boo
- Cuddles
- Dot
- Flick
- Giggles
Badass Orange Cat Names
- Blaze
- Bolt
- Clash
- Diesel
- Edge
- Fang
- Grit
- Hawk
- Iron
- Jax
- Kevlar
- Maverick
- Nitro
- Onyx
- Pike
- Quake
- Racer
- Slash
- Tank
- Uproar
- Vandal
- Wreck
- X-Calibur
- Yeti
- Zenith
- Alpha
- Brutus
- Crusher
- Duke
- Echo
Black and Orange Cat Names
- Eclipse
- Ember
- Firestorm
- Glimmer
- Halloween
- Inkblot
- Jester
- Kindle
- Lava
- Midnight
- Nightfall
- Omen
- Patch
- Quantum
- Rust
- Shadow
- Twilight
- Umbra
- Vesper
- Witch
- X-File
- Yin-Yang
- Zorro
- Blaze
- Coal
- Dusk
- Eclipse
- Flicker
- Glow
- Harlequin
We hope you’ve selected your favorite name. We’ve explored over 250 names for your cute orange cat, taht help you choose the ideal name for your cute kitty.
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